Home For The Holidays

Holidays are typically a time of togetherness—offering a chance to unplug from the daily hustle and bustle and immerse ourselves in what and whom we value the most.  However, holiday time during a viral pandemic has caused many of us to consider other ways to connect, even from far apart. We may not be able to travel home or congregate with all our loved ones this year, but there are other ways for us connect to the essence of home, love, family, and blessings. Part of that involves setting our environment in ways that bring back our fondest memories.

Did you know that the sense of smell is the first to develop for a fetus in utero? Smell remains our most developed sense until around 10 years of age when sight becomes more predominant. Because of this, the basis for smells that cause either positive or negative reactions are with us the longest. Or as said by Dawn Goldworm, co-founder and scent director of a large olfactory branding company, “smell and emotion are stored as one memory.” 

Did you know that the sense of smell is the first to develop for a fetus in utero? Smell remains our most developed sense until around 10 years of age when sight becomes more predominant.

Scented Company

With that in mind, consider what smells are associated with your best moments and let yourself indulge. We have a wide array of fragrance profiles available in our candle stock, from woodsy to sweet to smoky to citrus. Our limited-edition holiday candle, Slay Bells, is formulated with notes of cedar, clove, orange, patchouli and cinnamon.  It creates a scent that is very reminiscent of our family’s favorite craft store back home in Mississippi called Fads and Frames.   That storefront closed long ago, but even decades after their doors were shut, our owner and web-designer bonded over memories of the different school projects and holiday decorating trips we made there with our mother. We hope that whatever scent profile you are enjoying this holiday brings you as many laughs and warm moments as we shared together.

Happy holidays from all of us at Scented Company!

Source: Harvard News